Minggu, 18 Januari 2015


what do you think about it?
life is seems like an adventure
why? because in every life youn can found anything
anything like in adventure
the wild world
the beautiful of life
and how difficult world is
anything happend in the life
your luckly and your sadness
you wolk in a life like an adventure
by the the time you'll found and you'll feel

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

is that what you think?

what do you feel if someone who you love was loving someone else? what do you think of that? what do you think if you fall in love with someone for one year but he was loving someone else?. that was the question that i never could answer

"Life is like a music"

life, it's just like a music.
if the music you play it
with feelings and heart
with a thousand emotional 
with a deep deep insting
it's make a beautiful harmony
just let it be
let your soul dance with a music
let your body do what yo gonna do
let the harmony inside in your head
let every single chords fly in your hand
let be your life inside the music
because life just like a music
because in music there's a thousand emotional
because by the music your feelings can show off
because music is beautiful harmony
so let your life in the beautiful harmony.